Photo by Kim Stiver from Pexels
When you give to charity, you help them fulfill their missions and causes. Many charities are seeking help from donors and other selfless individuals that will support their projects and causes. Choosing a charity is not as easy as it seems. It would be ideal to take the time to learn more about a charity, its purpose, its track record, and the people behind it before deciding to donate to their cause.
The credibility and trustworthiness of the charity you invest your donations in is a significant factor that helps you decide whether to give to charity or to look for a different organization to support.
Donors and sponsors should spend time asking questions from a charity they intend to help. Create a list of questions to ensure that your donations will be in good hands.
In reality, there is no right or wrong charity to support. However, choosing a charity that is a fit for your purpose and even your personality makes giving an even more enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash
Top 3 Important Questions to Ask Before You Give to Charity
The Quick Mission lists down the top three most important questions to ask to ensure that you are donating to the right charity :
What Causes Does the Charity Support?
Understand and learn more about the cause or the programs that the charity supports. Is this aligned with your passions? Do you share the same beliefs and advocacies?
Know more about the mission and the vision of the charity or organization that you intend to help. Asking probing questions will tell you the overall commitment of the charity and the people behind it. If you can commit to that charity’s mission and vision, you can consider your donation a worthwhile psychic investment.
Successful Campaigns if You Give to Charity
Do they have a list of concrete accomplishments that they have achieved since the beginning of the organization? What challenges did they face and how did they surmount these? How were they able to manage their resources? You will need to assess if the programs that the charity undertook indeed benefitted the individuals that the charity said will benefit.
You can browse the charity’s website to learn about their past projects and causes. Look for news clips, features, or any form of social proof or documentation to support their claims. Knowing these details gives you a better idea of the organization is worth supporting.
Is the Charity Handling Their Finances Transparently?
Money is usually a sensitive matter, especially if this is donated. Charities handle enormous amounts of donations. from individuals and organizations that trust them with their money. Even if charities are non-profit organizations, they are still accountable for the funds. Thus, it is just right that they demonstrate transparency. Before giving your hard-earned money to a charity, check if they are transparent with how much gifts they receive and how they spend it A charity organization worth its salt would be able to show its financial report and records and explain how the donated funds were spent.
Check details like overhead expenses and professional fees and see if these costs are reasonable or excessive, Donating to charity is synonymous with building a relationship with the organization. You need to have trust and transparency when it comes to money and finances.
The Quick Mission observes standard qualifications in supporting charities and organizations. We do not see race or religion as an issue; however, we would like to invest our time and resources to causes that we believe in. The Quick Mission believes that a strong bond with the charities we support and will support in the future is possible by practicing honesty and credibility in managing organizations.