There is a sense of accomplishment and personal gratification in giving and philanthropy. The Quick Mission shares its insights in the power of family philanthropy.
There is power in giving. Imagine the impact of its power if the one offering its blessings to others is a family. Integrating philanthropy into the family is one of the noblest lessons you can teach a child.
Philanthropy within a family is one of the most potent legacies a person can give to charities and non-profit organizations. It can be considered a tradition or a value passed down from a father to his child, grandchild, and future generation. There is beauty and inspiration when you see families working together towards a mission to help and bring a difference to society.
There are plenty of ways on how to encourage people to give and to participate in charities. Interestingly, some people seek to promote giving, philanthropy within the walls of their family. Family Philanthropy is when a person eagerly passes down the tradition of giving to his family and future generations.

The Quick Mission is a family, not by blood, but by heart. We see the value of numbers in helping, and we can only imagine the degree of significance a family can contribute to society when they all decide to make helping and changing lives as one of their family goes. Your family can also do the same. Here are some tips on how you can encourage charity and philanthropy in the family.
Regularly talk about giving to the family.
Charity is different for every person, even for the members of the family. However, it is still possible to encourage family members to give and to participate in philanthropy. Talking about giving and the experience of helping others is the first step to promote it within a family.
Organize a regular family meeting to introduce philanthropy to the family. Dinnertime would be an excellent time to talk about the wonders of giving to the family. Instead of pushing a family member to give, it would be better to inspire them with the possibilities they could experience when they participate in philanthropy.
Bring the family to charity events.
Tagging a family member to charity events and fundraisers is another step to introduce the family to philanthropy. You can also bring a family member to a refugee center or an institution that you support. However, it would be ideal for planning the visit and informing your family member about the event.
It should be a visit with consent to avoid compromising your family member into something they are not prepared to do. Seeing a family member you would want to introduce to philanthropy, in a setting where they are exposed to charity, gives you an idea that charity is indeed in their system. From here, you can devise more ways to engage them in seeing the beauty in sharing and helping others.
Explain that charity is not all about money.
There are plenty of misconceptions about charity, donating, and philanthropy. One of them is that it requires people to give money. However, there is more to charity than asking for money.
Help your family members understand that giving to non-profit organizations is not limited to giving money. Provide family members options on how families can donate. They can donate their time, skill, talents, or help connect charities to people and other networks that can support their cause. They begin to see the real value of giving and helping others when they realize how much they can offer.
Provide them with attainable goals in giving.
There are plenty of reasons to give. Explain the different goals your family members can explore when they engage in philanthropy. Here are some of the possible goals they can achieve in participating with generosity;
- To inform
Some people volunteer in charities and non-profit organizations to help these organizations inform others about their purpose and goals. People can donate their time and skills to help charities communicate their goals to the public. Telling others about the beauty in giving is one of the goals The Quick Mission believes in. - To inspire
Being part of a charity gives you plenty of opportunities to inspire people. You can inspire others to help or inspire the people you are helping to dream, become better, and explore the possibilities of helping others as well. - To involve
Charity is one of the traits of humankind that should perpetuate. It is one of the best values that we can teach the younger generations to keep the spirit of giving alive and robust for the future to come. Involving your family in philanthropy helps you get involved with something that can potentially change and create a mark in society.
The Quick Mission believes in the importance of devoting time to explain and encourage family members to engage in philanthropy. It is one of the best traditions a family can pass on to their children and future generations. Family philanthropy is one of the biggest influences that can help charities prosper and grow.